This is the vaguely work related blog of Ant Miller – I say vaguely, because my interests are broad, and there’s a blurred edge to what I do for work, and what I do for fun. So, new business, partnerships, innovation, and account management for WordPress is very much a job, but lots of fun, and talking to people about how to safely operate drones is lots of fun, but sometimes helps pay the bills.
I worked at the BBC for over ten years in archive technology and R&D projects. From humongous digital video storage tech to drones for persistent video and RF relay links, my BBC work always pushed the limits of what was possible. Or sensible. I also led the outreach work of R&D, taking us to the UK’s first ever Maker Faire, and helping to set up and run the first and biggest hackdays in Europe.
If you need help getting a WordPress site built, an R&D project defined, an innovation process improving, or setting up a collaboration, then drop me a line.